Learning Acceleration System Grant

Project CLEAR

California Literacy Elevation by Accelerating Reading

California Literacy Elevation by Accelerating Reading (Project CLEAR) builds capacity within districts across California to implement and accelerate literacy development. Project CLEAR provides a grant-funded opportunity for educators – including dual language and bilingual educators serving Spanish-speaking students – to deepen expertise in reading intervention via a free graduate-level online coursework training program. Applications are currently being accepted for two professional learning opportunities! For more information, see Project CLEAR’s webpage.

Become a Teacher Leader with expertise in leading reading intervention. Through this two-year program, participants become Teacher Leaders who can train and coach teachers to implement comprehensive literacy strategies and interventions for K-12 students who have reading, writing, and language-based needs. The evidence-based teaching approaches expand availability and access to literacy acceleration and intervention for diverse students in the Teacher Leader’s district or school, including students who are English learners, students in dual language programs, and students with disabilities, dyslexia and/or phonological processing challenges. 

Become a Teacher with expertise in reading intervention. Through this year-long program, participants develop skills to implement comprehensive literacy strategies in their classrooms through Reading Recovery, Descubriendo la Lectura, and/or Literacy Lessons interventions for students who have reading, writing, and language-based needs.



San Diego County Office of Education

Dr. Shannon Baker
Executive Director [email protected]

Cynthia Craft
 Coordinator, ELA
[email protected]

         Dr. Michanne Hoctor           Coordinator, ELA
[email protected]

Project CLEAR Participant Testimonial

Project CLEAR Goals

Project CLEAR Partners

County Offices of Education

Project CLEAR is partnering with Merced COE and Lake COE to support recruitment and the dissemination of information regarding grant opportunities. Saint Mary's College of California is serving as the IHE partner of Project CLEAR to provide graduate coursework and professional learning for teacher leaders and classroom teachers.

Lake County Office of Education

Imperial County Office of Education


Yolo County Office of Education

Merced County Office of Education

Tulare County Office of Education

Institutes of Higher Education & Non-Profits

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