The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) was established by the California State Legislature and Governor to advise and assist school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (local educational agencies (LEAs)) achieve the goals and objectives in their Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). It was created as part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) legislation that redesigned California‘s school funding formulas to ensure that there would be sufficient support for students who required additional resources to ensure their success.
CCEE Mission Statement: The California Collaborative of Educational Excellence is a statewide leader delivering on California’s promise of quality, equitable education for every student.
CCEE Vision Statement: The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence transforms public education, so every student is inspired and prepared to thrive as their best self in the world.
Values: CCEE team members commit to reflecting our values in the way we approach our work:
- We strengthen socially just and inclusive education systems.
- We build trusting, collaborative, authentic relationships.
- We prioritize well-being – that of students, families, educators, communities, and our team.
- We embrace and nurture curiosity, creativity, and innovation.
- We model continuous improvement focused on educational excellence.
The CCEE’s Role in the Learning Acceleration System Grant
Section 152 of Assembly Bill (AB) 130 (the 2021-22 Education Omnibus Trailer Bill), as amended by Section 143 of AB 167 (Chapter 252, Statutes of 2021) appropriated funding to the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) to administer, in partnership with one or more county offices of education (COE), “…evidenced-based professional education for educators that can support learning acceleration, particularly in mathematics, literacy, and language development.”
The CCEE initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to select one or more COEs to partner with CCEE to administer this statewide professional education program. A key goal of this program is to develop a robust statewide infrastructure to ensure educators anywhere in the state, including those in remote areas, have access to high quality professional learning. As a result, the CCEE specified that proposals should include a description of the submitting COE’s experience coordinating, convening, and engaging in ongoing collaborative support with multiple types of educational entities to advance a professional learning initiative. Additionally, positive consideration was given to proposals that included a formal partnership between the submitting COE and one or more institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations with expertise in learning acceleration, another COE or consortium of COEs, or any combination of those entities. Through the RFP process, the CCEE awarded Learning Acceleration System (LAS) grants to Lake COE, San Diego COE, and Santa Clara COE. These three COE’s have engaged a number of valued partners to establish projects with distinct goals, content foci, and capacity-building approaches.
The CCEE is charged with overseeing the management and implementation of the Learning Acceleration System Grant during the five year grant term period. In this role, the CCEE serves as a connector, lead learner, thought partner, and supporter of this collective work. The CCEE assists grantees with communication, coordination, and strategic engagement, professional learning design, and pursuit of alignment with other, related statewide initiatives. Additionally, the CCEE established a professional learning network (PLN) for LAS Grant partners. The LAS Grant PLN meets quarterly for collaborative learning and reflection time on ways to work together and achieve our common goals.
True to the CCEE’s mission and vision, all LAS Grant partners are committed to transforming education by elevating teacher practice using evidence-based accelerated learning strategies at a crucial time for California students.
The CCEE's Learning Acceleration System Team

Stephanie Gregson
Deputy Executive Director

Stacey Wedin
Assistant Director

Belinda Gaspar
Senior Specialist

Sandra Brandt
Administrative Assistant II
The Learning Acceleration System Team is part of CCEE’s larger Teaching, Learning & Leading Center.